If you are not satisfied with your treatment Physio Effect offers a money back guarantee. This applies to all treatments above and beyond the cost of your Physiotherapist consultation time. Should you choose to have shockwave therapy at an extra charge and do not experience benefit in terms of pain relief or symptom improvement we may refund you the cost of the shockwave therapy excluding the cost of your therapists consultation time.

Refunds are not applicable to your Physiotherapy consultation or treatment sessions which may include dry needling, massage, joint mobilisations or any other agreed techniques. Any discounted treatment rates for packages or programs of treatment are dependent on advance payment in full at the time of initial assessment. Should you not be satisfied at the completion of your agreed treatment plan you may be entitled to money back if you have paid for shockwave therapy. Any amount refunded cannot be greater than the total paid and will be calculated to exclude your therapists consultation and treatment hours.

If requesting any refund please first make your therapist aware & then email your request to with a brief explanation of your reasoning.