Women’s Health Physiotherapy
Physiotherapy can help with pelvic floor issues such as incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse and pelvic pain. Some of these issues have become somewhat normalised in society particularly after having a baby. However it is important to understand that although these issues are common, they are not normal and symptoms such as leaking can be addressed with appropriate physiotherapy treatment.
Here at Physio Effect we combine our expertise in musculoskeletal and women’s health physiotherapy to provide the best outcome for you. Our aim is to safely guide you back to your favourite past-time, sport or simply just your everyday activities without the fear of symptoms. Read more about our women’s pelvic health services below:
women’s pelvic Health Services:
- Pelvic Floor Assessment and Treatment
Pelvic Health Assessment
We offer comprehensive internal pelvic examinations to assess and treat the pelvic floor muscles. This is performed in a private and safe environment by a specially trained female physiotherapist. During this assessment we can assess your pelvic floor strength and tone as well as assess for pelvic organ prolapse (POP). If indicated we can offer Pessary Fitting to help manage POP.
We would need your consent for this assessment and you are welcome to bring a chaperone if you would be more comfortable. You do not need to have had a baby to have a pelvic floor assessment or treatment. Read more on Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy HERE.
Cube Pessaries for pelvic organ prolapse
Here at Physio Effect, we have two specialist trained Women’s Health Physiotherapists who can fit Cube pessaries for the management of Pelvic Organ Prolapse (POP). This treatment may be advised to assist you in best managing your symptoms after you have had a pelvic floor assessment. If you feel this treatment may be appropriate for you then please contact us with any specific questions you may have or continue and book for your pelvic health assessment
Physiotherapy for Pregnancy
We offer specialist physiotherapy treatment during pregnancy and includes treatment of common musculoskeletal conditions in pregnancy such as back pain, pelvic girdle pain (PGP) and symphysis pubis dysfunction (SPD). We can provide advice on how to keep active during pregnancy as well as advice on how to prepare for childbirth. We also offer Pregnancy Pilates classes, a physiotherapist-led Pilates class tailored to your trimester in pregnancy.
Crybaby Postnatal Pilates Class
We offer specialist physiotherapy for the postpartum period and beyond. This includes treatment of common musculoskeletal conditions such as back pain, pelvic girdle pain (PGP) and symphysis pubis dysfunction (SPD). We can also assess and treat diastasis recti (abdominal separation), pelvic floor dysfunction (incontinence/leaking), pelvic pain and pelvic organ prolapse (POP). It doesn’t matter what age your baby, whether 6 weeks, 6 years or 30 years! There is no time limit.
We also have the "Crybaby Pilates" class which is our very popular postnatal Pilates rehab class aiming to help rebuild and strengthen the body after pregnancy and childbirth