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Do you want to be a part of the Physio Effect Dragon Boat team?

We are very (probably more than we should be to be honest!) excited to announce that we have signed Physio Effect up to the Dragon Boat race at this year's Canal Festival

The festival will run from 10:00 - 17:00 on Saturday, 25th August and each team will take part in at least 3 heats - culminating in finals if we get there!

Last year, the festival's first, our pals (and mortal enemies for the day of the race this year, naturally!) at EveryDay Athlete gym won the Dragon Boat race, so they'll be defending their title this year and we'd LOVE to give them a run for their money!

So, if you're available on the day and would like to be a part of this fun event - we need lots of people to join us! 

contact us here and let us know!


Physio Effect have signed up for the 2018 Dragon Boat Race in Glasgow