Written by Mariam Kilpatrick, Physiotherapist and Clinical Pilates lead at Physio Effect
Lockdown has made many things more challenging, none more so than giving birth. Here I spoke to one mum who had been attending our Antenatal Clinical Pilates classes up until the country shut down on the brink of a global pandemic.
Hi Elisa, thanks for taking the time to share your experience with us about being pregnant and having a baby during lockdown. Can you firstly tell us a little bit about yourself and your family?
My name is Elisa and I come from a small village in the Italian Dolomites. I have been living in Scotland for the past 12 years since I came as an Erasmus student studying Environmental Engineering. I met my husband at the University of Glasgow. We now have a very fluffy dog named Leo and two beautiful children: a three year old girl called Joanna Sofia and a our son, Eric Antonio, who arrived this April. He is known amongst our friends and family as our "pandemic" baby!
When lockdown started I was 36 weeks pregnant.
Pregnant Elisa and daughter, Joanna (3)
At what stage of your pregnancy did you start our antenatal Pilates classes in our studio, how did you find it and what did you enjoy about it?
I started the antenatal classes when I was 20 weeks pregnant. I was playing squash twice a week before my pregnancy and I wanted to keep exercising. I felt having a desk job I really needed to keep moving, especially for my back as the months progressed. I had heard great things from friends about the antenatal classes at Physio Effect and when I joined I loved being given exercises by Raz specifically tailor-made for me and my stage of pregnancy. It was also fabulous to meet other mums to be and have a bit of time for myself (which is hard to get with a toddler, a husband and a dog!).
How did you find moving over to the virtual (Zoom) antenatal classes during lockdown?
Virtual Pilates Class
It was a good! Technology wise at work, I use videoconferencing a lot and during lockdown cameras got switched on much more, so it was easy enough. At first it took a bit of time to get organised: finding the right space so that my dog and toddler would not interfere, identify the right room to have physical space to do exercise but after that it was a great opportunity to be active from the comfort of your own home, without the need to travel or drive. I found Raz was able to keep an expert eye on us all the time and could correct me if necessary. I also thought I knew what I was doing having done a few classes at the studio already.
And you had a beautiful baby boy named Eric! What was your experience like having him during lockdown compared to your daughter Joanna?
I have to be honest, it was quite different and worrying at times compared to the first experience. However on reflection it has also been an invaluable family time that I have not had with Joanna. On the run up to the birth I started worrying about going to a hospital and the risk of contracting the virus, not having my husband there at all times and also what to do with our toddler, who would have needed someone to be with her if dad was to be with me in the birthing room. However when the day came, I laboured alone in the hospital and in a way it was better for Joanna not to see me distressed. At the hospital everyone was fantastic, trying to make me feel as supported as they could. I was alone for a few hours but I was really well looked after by nurses and midwives. My husband was with me in the birth room and after the birth I got sent home the day after so my stay in hospital was very quick. We had some truly family time, getting to know each other and in a way not stressing about visitors. It was only us and our new baby, which gave Joanna a chance to not get jealous of her wee brother but instead accept him as a new member, especially since, as she said, he was so tiny and cute!
Can you give us an insight with what life has been like during lockdown, having a newborn/toddler/dog/husband working from home?!
Definitely not the maternity leave I was expecting, meeting other mums in coffee shops and at baby groups. However I do believe it has been the best time we have ever had as a family, with no pressure to do anything a part from being together. Life moved at a much slower pace and the kids, the dog and I had lots of walks in the park, which has been great.
Elisa with daughter Joanna, Baby Eric and Leo the dog
How old was Eric when you had your postnatal physio appointment and how did you find doing it virtually?
Eric was 8 weeks old when I had my "virtual" assessment. I thought it worked very well. I did like the fact I carried out an assessment on myself, getting to understand under supervision how my body was responding to the birth of my second child.
What was your experience like doing the virtual Crybaby (postnatal) Pilates classes? Did you find it enjoyable and would you recommend it?
I really enjoyed again having the time for myself. Life does get busy now and cutting out a bit of time for yourself to feel good I believe is key. I really enjoined them and the progression to harder exercises. I also feel was fantastic having had the possibility to watch the recordings afterwards: I had Eric there with me during the classes and sometimes he needed attention so I could replay the class whenever I wanted, which was brilliant.
From Bump, Birth And Beyond…
Here at Physio Effect, we support mums to stay strong, fit and healthy throughout their pregnancy and into their motherhood journey. For more information on all our ante- and postnatal services, click below: