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You are not your MRI: A Rehab Story.

You are not your MRI: A Rehab Story.

Fiona Callan is a CrossFitter and Ultra-marathoner who injured her back in 2017. She had an MRI which showed an “L5/S1 disc bulge with nerve root irritation”. In this interview we discussed how she chose to avoid surgery and returned to the things she loved doing best.

Animal flows - What, How and Why?

Animal flows - What, How and Why?

Animal flows are a great addition to any exercise plan, warm up routine or injury prevention plan. Learning to move like a monkey, frog, or bear helps to build full body strength, mobility and motor control which in turn will make you a more awesome human and less prone to injury. This blog with video tutorials will explain what these movements are, how to utilise them and why you should should be doing them

Stiff achy hips? Tightness or weakness and what can you do about it?

Stiff achy hips? Tightness or weakness and what can you do about it?

Complete hip mobility routine to increase range of motion, reduce pain and improve function. Explore your own limitations and work to improve them with daily practice of this routine. Rid yourself of stiff achy hips and restore strong, healthy movement while improving athletic ability.

Tight shoulders? This routine will fix you up

5 step shoulder stretch routine to relieve stiffness and tension. Discover a new range of motion and rid yourself of nagging tightness in your shoulders and upper back

Back Strengthening Exercises for Desk-Based Workers

Back Strengthening Exercises for Desk-Based Workers

Let one of our Physios, Danny Wray, take you through a set of exercises which will help to strengthen your back and hips and that help counteract the negative effects of sitting.

#KnowledgeShare – Shoulders Month – Rotator Cuff

#KnowledgeShare – Shoulders Month – Rotator Cuff

We see a lot of clients coming to us with shoulder injuries – sometimes it’s not what they think! In this new video, Danny gives us a the basics (and a bit more!) on the rotator cuff!

#KnowledgeShare – Shoulders Month – Mobility Exercises

#KnowledgeShare – Shoulders Month – Mobility Exercises

Physio Effect physiotherapist Jonny Kilpatrick demonstrates some exercises to improve overhead range of movement using small equipment you’ll find in your gym

Foam Rolling: What is it? What’s the Evidence? How to apply it!

Foam Rolling: What is it? What’s the Evidence? How to apply it!

Self-myofascial release is a name given to the use of equipment or tools to perform self-massage and stretching with the aim of increasing joint range of motion and improving muscle recovery and performance. One of the most commonly used tools is a foam roller. You will often see people in gyms attempting to manoeuvre their bodies in various positions over one of these rollers.



Despite the clear lack of evidence for its use the spread of kinesio-taping throughout health and sport practices does not appear to be waning. As a Physiotherapist with more than 10 years in clinical practice I have been officially trained and certified as a kinesio-tape practitioner and while I recognise the lack of hard clinical evidence I do still have a place for using kinesio-taping in my practice.