I started a 16-week marathon training program in January, only to get a recurring calf injury in the second week, but thanks to treatment and advice from Jonny, I was able to get back to training in a couple of weeks and back to running properly is a couple more, but it was a less than ideal start.
Real Life Stories: Recovering from a disc injury
Fiona Callan is a CrossFitter and Ultra-marathoner who injured her back in 2017. She had an MRI which confirmed an L5/S1 disc bulge with nerve root irritation. In this interview we discussed how she avoided surgery and returned to the things she loved doing best.
Hi Fiona, thank you for taking the time to share your experience with us. We know you've come a long way from a pretty bad back injury. Before we begin, tell us a bit about yourself! What type of work do you do and what's your sport/exercise/fitness background?
I work in the NHS, primarily an office based job. Preceding my injury I was also studying for an MSc so basically spent all day and night sitting at a desk.
I started running in 2008, mainly 5k and 10k distance on roads but I wasn’t very good and didn’t enjoy it so moved to trail and hill running instead when I started gradually to increase my distance. I met some really cool people to run with as well. In 2012, I was talked into a trip to Nepal by a friend but it wasn’t until around 4 weeks to go that I found out he had signed me up to an ultra marathon. I didn’t even know what that was! It was sheer determination that got me through that and I really caught the ultra marathon bug.
In 2014 I started CrossFit as I thought some strength and conditioning type training would help with my running and I had no idea what I was doing in a conventional gym. The coaching and set workout approach has really worked for me and made me use muscles I didn’t know I had.
So the big question, when and how did you injure your back? Was it after one incident or was it something that gradually built up and got worse? What were your symptoms (i.e. back pain? leg pain? numbness etc...)
To be honest I’ve always had a bit of a lower back niggle, probably postural, but thought it would just go away. It was definitely something I started to feel more when I started CrossFit as I really had to use my back and core more than I had been doing running. Slowly I noticed it had started to affect my running, I had pain in my right buttock that shot down my leg now and again and my leg generally felt heavy. If I left it a few days it would go away but it meant I couldn’t really run or CrossFit as much as I wanted to.
It started affecting my job as I couldn’t sit comfortably for any period of time. I was travelling by train to Edinburgh at least twice a week which became difficult. On one journey I had to get off the train and go back to Glasgow as I couldn’t face sitting for an hour.
Then during a workout involving a barbell I cried so much I had to admit that something wasn’t right.
My initial symptoms were primarily in my lower back, there was a build up of pressure around my stomach and back even when I bent over the sink to wash my face. I tried to keep active but really scaled back on what I was doing. I kept up my hill walking as this is an activity I love doing with my nephew – I used poles and made Ewan carry my bag as he’s the young one! I tried running but could only manage 1k before I felt my back stiffen.
One Saturday I went walking with Dad and Ewan in the Lake District. It was an amazing day. The hill wasn’t too hard; we took our time and enjoyed it. It was the shooting pain in my right leg that woke me up early on the Sunday morning. I tried to stand up but my leg just wouldn’t work. I limped to the bathroom hanging onto the wall and at that point I knew there was something seriously wrong. It sounds dramatic but I genuinely felt paralysed down that whole side of my lower body, first thoughts were ‘I’ll never run again!’ and panicked. My boyfriend called NHS24 and a nurse managed to calm me down and suggested I took paracetamol with ibuprofen and try find a comfortable position until a doctor could get to me. A few hours and one injection later the pain had dulled. He said it was my sciatic nerve; I should try to relax and spend less time sitting down!
What was the initial management i.e. what treatment did you seek?
I got an appointment with Jonny who did some needling on my lower back/ glutes and gave me some exercises to do. I am the most impatient person and after a week of exercises I didn’t feel any different so I saw another physio (sorry!) who basically told me the same thing and gave me the same exercises. I really was in denial about how serious it was. I spoke to coaches in the gym, chatted to other runners and did a lot of Googling but all the answers were the same.
It was the mental part I actually found the toughest to deal with. I have made so many friends through running and CrossFit and my social media is full of it too so I was always seeing and hearing about all these amazing runs and PBs. I just felt stuck and disconnected. I saw my GP as I really felt like I was struggling to cope. People were always asking how I am and telling me I should ‘do this and do that’ and eventually I just got fed up talking about it. My GP didn’t really help me; she referred me to her physio friend but I didn’t go.
At the same time, Jonny had passed me onto Mariam for Clinical Pilates and it was during my consultation that she suggested some short term medication for my nerve problem in my right leg. I went to another GP for this and as well as giving me the medication, he was really keen to get me back running and to the gym so he referred me for an MRI.
Am I right in saying you ended up seeing a consultant neurosurgeon? What did the MRI show?
Yeah I was really lucky in that I got an MRI pretty quickly. I think the 2nd GP had something to do with that. A few weeks after the scan. I received a letter with a hospital appointment but with no other information. Frustrating and worrying. I thought well there must be something not quite right and because of my problem with patience, I called the GP and asked him to give me a brief overview of the scan. He said he could see a disc bulge and I should continue doing my physio exercises until my appointment. I had just started with the Clinical Pilates class so I let Mariam know the issue and she tailored exercises for me until I found out more about the problem.
So there was the prospect of having surgery? How did that make you feel? Was this something on the cards or wanting to avoid?
I remember getting a phone call from a surgeon in the spinal unit and it made me feel sick. I actually don’t remember what he said to me as the idea of back surgery just terrified me. I wasn’t exactly in crippling pain so the idea of surgery just felt a bit extreme to me. This was something I definitely wanted to avoid. I just really trusted my physios and they really believed I could get better without it. I didn’t feel that my pain was bad enough for surgery – for me this was the last resort, I’ve never heard positive stories about it.
At the appointment, the doctor went through my scan which I found fascinating. I actually felt a bit of weight come off my shoulders when I could physically see the issue. It had been hard to accept when I didn’t know for sure what the problem was but there it was clear in front of me. She then told me that they would do surgical intervention if I was getting sharp pains down the top of my leg. I told her I had that a few weeks before but it had been getting much better. We left it at that and I was told to get in touch if anything changed.
I had so many conversations with my boyfriend, my parents (and myself) and decided that it wasn’t the end of the world if I couldn’t run 50 miles or couldn’t deadlift 100kg as long as I could stay active. I would just scale back what I was doing.
You've spent the best part of a year doing some serious rehab with Clinical Pilates. In your own words can you explain what that is and how it helped you?
I had done a bit of Pilates before as I’d read and heard it was good for runners. It was one of those things I struggled to stick to because I never left the class feeling like I’d worked hard and my issue with patience didn’t help. When I told my boyfriend about it he signed me up for 6 weeks because he knew I’d have to go if he paid for it! I noticed a huge difference after these 6 weeks.
It is basically pilates but physio led so your exercises are all tailored to whatever issue you may have so we’re all doing something different generally. It’s a small class but everyone is in the same boat and really friendly. Mariam checks in with you regularly during the class and pushes you when you’re ready but also changing exercises if something isn’t quite feeling good.
I expected my exercises to all be lower back focused as that’s where my injury was but actually they’ve been full body movements. As well as having a stronger back, I have a stronger core and much improved posture. Mariam also spent some time working on my legs, particularly my right leg as the nerve had been affected and I had limited movement and very little strength.
Eventually you returned to CrossFit and trail-running. How long did that take from when you first injured yourself?
I was always doing a scaled back version of CrossFit and a bit of trail running while I was injured but I was mindful of undoing my hard work. It was important to me mentally that I kept in touch with coaches/ friends in the gym and my runner friends.
I accepted my injury in May 2017 and started Clinical Pilates in the October. In May 2018 I was a more confident runner so decided to train for a race following a plan, building up in distance and I finished the Mad Hatters Half Marathon and the Glentress Half Marathon with a PB and no back or leg pain. Not quite back at ultra marathon distance but I’m actually enjoying the shorter runs at the moment. In June 2018 I started back at CrossFit and noticed that I’m better at a lot of the movements as I actually use my back and core as I should. I’m always conscious of loading too much weight on bars and I know certain movements still aggravate my back but I know when to stop and I just need to gradually build my strength back up. I was asked if I’d like to be part of a team from the gym for a CrossFit competition, I said yes why not I can try and we finished in 3rd place with no back injury!
Most people in this day and age are seeking the "quick-fix" or miracle cure. In fact, most people in your shoes would opt for surgery given the opportunity. What advice would you give them?
Your back is such a major part of your body so decisions on surgery should never be made lightly. Unless a professional is telling you there is no other option I would encourage people to commit to the exercises, spend less time sitting down and stay active by doing anything you find fun (that’s obviously not going to hurt you)
Working through this injury has taught me so much about my body and my lifestyle as well as making me a better runner and CrossFitter. This is all coming from the most impatient person!
Case Study: Frontal Knee Pain (Part 3)
Single leg exercises should be incorporated in strength and conditioning sessions as it is the best way to mimic the single leg work required in running with landing and push-off. It is also a good way to identify any imbalances from one side to the other. In the final part of this series, Jonny’s pain had largely settled and his rehab focused on single leg control. He also practiced a more efficient running technique to minimise loads placed on the knee.
Case Study: Frontal Knee Pain (Part 2)
During the initial stages of rehab, the primary focus was to maintain muscle function which can be inhibited by pain. During assessment, it was also established that Jonny was weaker on one side of his outer hip muscles (glutes) when looking at the way he balanced on one leg. The video below looks at a couple of simple exercises he worked on to improve this.
Case Study: Frontal Knee Pain (Part 1)
Knee pain is a common issue in runners. It can start off as a niggle and can easily be ignored until the point where running is no longer tolerable. This is frustrating particularly when training for a race or event. In part 1 of this month’s case study, we will look at some common physiotherapy techniques we use for pain relief in the treatment of anterior (pain in the front of) knee pain.
Jonny hurt his knee during a 42-mile Ultra Marathon which was on trail and had plenty of up and down hill sections. This caused an acute overload of the structures around his knee cap, causing pain and swelling.
Case Study: Ankle Sprain Rehab - Part 3
This concludes our 3-part series following Mariam’s ankle rehab programme after a bad sprain two weeks before her first trail marathon and then her first trail ultra-marathon five weeks after that.
Phase 1 (first 2-3 days after injury):
Ice, Elevation, Compression
Avoidance of non-steroidal anti-inflammatories (i.e. ibuprofen)
Phase 2:
Non-weight-bearing exercises
Training modification
Progression to weight-bearing and single leg exercises
Phase 3:
Training modification
Running technique modification
Progression to plyometrics and impact loading
Case Study: Ankle Sprain Rehab - Part 2
Case Study: Ankle Sprain Rehab: Part 1
We all know injuries happen and, in most unfortunate instances, they can happen before a sporting event you have been training for months. It can be disheartening when you’ve spent countless hours training for such an event with the prospect of having to pull out. In this month’s case study, we will be looking at managing an ankle injury coming from a personal experience from one of our own physios, Mariam. We will be demonstrating a sports physiotherapist’s approach to dealing with an injury leading up to an event over a 3-part series. Part 1 is below:
The Tool of our Trade
Dry Needling: The most effective pain treatment you may never have heard of!
Are you taking a HIIT in Training?
Running injury prevention; do you need a musculoskeletal screening?
Sports-specific screening available!
Musculoskelatal screenings are available from our team of experienced and expert Sports Physiotherapists – but what is it? Imagine, someone could look you over and help flag issues before they become injuries!
Here's what Jonny says:
“A 60-minute assessment which will include a full body assessment of flexibility, strength, balance and body control to highlight potential for injury or problem shoot issues experienced by a runner. This may also include treatment if needed as well as education on issues flagged up with suggestions of how to fix these.”
We have a broad spectrum of sports expertise here at Physio Effect – everything from running, martial arts and football to rugby, mountain biking and roller derby! Whatever your sport or activity, whatever your level, we’ll be able to assess and treat you!
What is the difference between ‘Regular’ and ‘Clinical’ Pilates?
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#KnowledgeShare – Shoulders Month – Mobility Exercises
#KnowledgeShare – Back Mobility
Foam Rolling: What is it? What’s the Evidence? How to apply it!
Self-myofascial release is a name given to the use of equipment or tools to perform self-massage and stretching with the aim of increasing joint range of motion and improving muscle recovery and performance. One of the most commonly used tools is a foam roller. You will often see people in gyms attempting to manoeuvre their bodies in various positions over one of these rollers.
Despite the clear lack of evidence for its use the spread of kinesio-taping throughout health and sport practices does not appear to be waning. As a Physiotherapist with more than 10 years in clinical practice I have been officially trained and certified as a kinesio-tape practitioner and while I recognise the lack of hard clinical evidence I do still have a place for using kinesio-taping in my practice.